Gwen[Tastic]'s Twee File Splitter

A tool to split huge twee files into smaller ones with a User customizable Folder and File Structure.

Application version: 1.0.4

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Welcome to Gwen[Tastic]’s Twee File Splitting Tool!

A self-contained Desktop application for turning the large files, which come from decompiling a Twine html file, into smaller ones with options to define your folder and file structure.

This is an unsigned Application, which accesses the file system so Windows Defender might interfere with this application, if writing the files takes significant longer then it had reading the passages and tags (after inputting a source file) then that's probably due to Windows Defender. Not suggesting turning it off, but doing so can make a difference of the process taking an Hour or less then a Minute depending on file size.


Once it’s downloaded and running there are 3 Main things:

  1. The Input file you can choose the file to split as Input File.
  2. An Output folder in which all Files and Folders should be created in.
  3. Separation Rules, the list on the left side shows all current Separation rules, these rules determine how Passages get sorted and/or Merged.

You can type directly in those Textboxes to set an Input file or Output Folder, or use the Open File/Folder buttons. After you selected an Input file, it will read the Passage names and Tags and add them in the lists on the right side.

When you have a Separation-Rule open you can quickly add/remove a Passage/Tag name to the rule using the Listboxes on the right (left/right mouse click).

You can alter Separation Tools by clicking on the Listbox Item on the left, add new ones by clicking the Button “New Rule” under the Listbox for the Separation Rules.

Separation Rules:

Once you have selected a rule, a Panel in the middle will open up, in there you’ll find the settings.

Once you are done setting up the rules you can hit the red Separate Passages! button.

Setting rules is optional you can also just hit the red "Separate Passages!" button immediately


Here’s an example workflow (left mouse click to enlarge)


Changelog: v1.0.4 03.05.2024

Fixed .tw3 and .twee file extensions being ignored for populating the Passage/Tags listboxes.